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Welcome to the User Guide

Here you will be able to find answers and step-by-step instructions to help guide you on how to use the tools. Review the Tutorial Section to help you understand how to use the StudyCrafter Authoring Tools to create your own experiments.

StudyCrafter Homepage
Projects Screen
Layout Tab
Scriptor Tab

StudyCrafter Homepage: First Time

The StudyCrafter Homepage shows all projects that are contained in your version of StudyCrafter. The image below shows this page. Red numbers reference the explanations given below.

1. Create A New Project

By clicking the New Project button, you create a new, empty StudyCrafter project.

2. Name A New Project

You can name your project before you create it but entering the name in this box.

3. Report Bug

If you find anything wrong in StudyCrafter, click the Report Bug button to let us know. It will be very helpful if you report your problems to us. You can leave a description of the problems here as what's shown in the image below.

4. Version

This number shows your current StudyCrafter version.

5. Exit Button

Clicking the yellow X button allows you to exit StudyCrafter.

After you create your projects, the home page will turn to be like the image shows below.

StudyCrafter Homepage: Subsequent Use

1. Create A New Project

By clicking the New Project button, you create a new, empty StudyCrafter project.

2. Name A New Project

You can name your project before you create it but entering the name in this box.

3. Play Project

Clicking the Play button launches the selected project.

4. Duplicate Project

Clicking the Duplicate button creates an exact duplicate of the selected project. If the project is called NAME, the copy is called NAME copy 1; if NAME copy 1 already exists, it will be called NAME copy 2, and so on.

5. Delete Project

Clicking the Delete button allows you to delete the project. StudyCrafter will ask for confirmation before carrying out the deletion. Note that deletion cannot be undone: Once a project is deleted, it is gone forever.

6. New Project

Each StudyCrafter project is represented by a tile. A newly created, the empty project looks like the tile in the image. Clicking anywhere in this tile except on the three buttons (3, 4, and 5 in the image) will take you to the Project Page.

7. Sort Your Projects

If you have created many projects, you can sort them by either alphabet or by created dates.

8. Search Your Project

You can also find your projects by searching them by names. Entering the name in this box, the project you search will be listed.

StudyCrafter Project Screen

The Project Screen of StudyCrafter shows all scenes of your project. The image below shows this page. Red numbers reference the explanations given below.

1. Project Name

You can name your project by entering the name in this box.

2. Project Description

Click the blank area and enter the description of your project in this box.

3. Delete Project

Clicking the Delete button allows you to delete the project. StudyCrafter will ask for confirmation before carrying out the deletion. Note that deletion cannot be undone: Once a project is deleted, it is gone forever.

4. Enter the Scene

By clicking this area except for the four buttons above, you can enter the Layout Screen of the Scene you select.

5. Play the Scene

Click this button to enter the play screen of the scene and have a preview of this scene.

6. Duplicate Scene

Clicking the Duplicate button creates an exact duplicate of the selected scene.

7. Edit Script

Click the edit button to enter the Scriptor Screen of this scene.

8. Delete Scene

By clicking the Delete Button, you can delete the scene you select.

9. Rename Scene

Click the name of a scene in the Project Screen, the name of the scene will be editable, enter the name you want to rename the scene.

10. Name A Scene

You can name your project before you create it but entering the name in this box.

11. New Scene

Clicking the New Scene Button will create a new scene in this project, and you will enter this new scene directly. If you go back to the Project Screen, you will see the new scene just created.

12. Scearch Your Scenes

You can also find your scenes by searching them by names. Entering the name in this box, the scene you search will be listed.

13. Report Bug

If you find anything wrong in StudyCrafter, click the Report Bug button to let us know. It will be very helpful if you report your problems to us. You can leave a description of the problems here as what's shown in the image below.

14. Back to Project

Click this button to go back to the Homepage.

StudyCrafter Layout Tab

The Layout Tab is where you can edit your scene. You can put characters or assets in the scene, change their sizes or positions. Everything you change will be displayed in real-time.

1. Scene Preview

Here you can have a preview of the scene. Anything changed with the scene will be directly shown here.

2. Assets & Characters Button

Click these two buttons to switch between assets and characters.

You can search the assets or characters you want by putting the names here.

4. Assets & Characters

In this area, StudyScrafter provides a few Assets and Characters, click the tiles you want to add it to the scene. You can change the size and position of the stickers after you added it to the scene.

5. Page Number

Click the number below to switch to other pages.

6. Zoom in & Zoom out

Click the “+” button to zoom in and the “-” button to zoom out.

7. Layers

Click the Layer Button to show the layer functions tab. It should be looked like the image below.

1. Flip Horizontal

2. Flip Vertical

3. Rotate 90°

4. Rotate 180°

5. Move Backward

6. Move to Back

7. Move Forward

8. Move to Front

9. Lock Button

10. Edit Assets Variables

8. Report Bug

If you find anything wrong in StudyCrafter, click the Report Bug button to let us know. It will be very helpful if you report your problems to us. You can leave a description of the problems here as what's shown in the image below.

9. Hide & Expand Button

You can click this arrow button to hide the Assets & Character tab. If it is already hidden, click this button again to expand it.

10. Research Button

Click the Research Button to enter the Research Screen.

11. Scripter Button

Click the Scriptor Button to enter the Scriptor Screen.

12. Play Button

Click the Play Button to play from the scene you select.

13. Back to Project

Click this button to go back to Project Screen.

StudyCrafter Scriptor Tab

The Scriptor Tab is where you can deal with the logic in each scene by creating nodes. You can set player choices, dialogues or anything you want in the Scriptor Tab but simply creating nodes and set relationships between them.

1. Variables

1. Set Values

You can set values of each variable by simply double-clicking it, and put whatever you want in the value box.

2. Create New Variables


The name of a variable should explain itself. Try to make an easy one which explains what it does.


The type of a variable includes integer, float, string, boolean and none. It depends on what this variable means in this project.

Initial Value

You can set an initial value of your variables here, it should fit the type of the variable.


The kind of variables includes independent variables, dependent variables, none variables or null variables. Independent variables and dependent variables are the most important ones to your project, they are related to each other and your results. Null variables are variables that are in your research but neither independent or dependent. Null variables are those you create in the project, which is not related to your research but infects your StudyCrafter project.

3. Hide & Expand Variables

Click this little triangle buttons, you can hide or expand global and object variable group. For the variables in these groups, you can also click those buttons to hide or expand the values of each variable.

4. Hide & Expand Tab

Click this arrow button to hide the variable tab. When the tab is hidden, click it again to expand it.

2. Nodes

You can drag the dot on the node to create a new node as shown in the image below:

1. Dialogue

2. Action

3. Player Choice

4. Branch

5. Set Variable

6. Sound

7. End Scene

8. Event

9. Make Function

10. Call Function

3. Center Button

Click this button to reset all the nodes to the center.

4. Mini-Map (?)

The Mini-Map shows the thumbnail of the scene. Move your mouse above it, it will show the coordinates you are pointing.

5. Report Bug

If you find anything wrong in StudyCrafter, click the Report Bug button to let us know. It will be very helpful if you report your problems to us. You can leave a description of the problems here as what's shown in the image below.

6. Research Button

Click the Research Button to enter the Research Screen.

7. Layout Button

Click the Layout Button to enter the Layout Screen.

8. Play the Scene

Click this button to enter the play screen of the scene and have a preview of this scene.

9. Back to Project

Click this button to go back to Project Screen.

10. Zoom in & Zoom out

Click the “+” button to zoom in and the “-” button to zoom out.

StudyCrafter Research Tab


user_guide_testpage.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/09 14:17 by dgmschouten

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