Troubleshooting & Help

Mac Problems

If the tools are freezing on Mac, or you're having problems in that vein, TRY THIS! There's a security issue on OSX, where if you download the authoring tools from online, and they're still in your download folder, they won't work. You simply need to move the .app file somewhere else (to your desktop, say), and then this problem will be fixed.

Accessing the Log

One way to help track down bugs in the platform is by accessing (and sharing) the log. If you're using the standalone authoring tools on Windows, you can find the log here: “StudyCrafter_Data\output_log.txt”. If you're on Mac, you can find it here: “~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log”. For more information on accessing the player logs, click here.

Aside from helping with Debugging, the output log also contains some useful information, like written out transcripts of the scenes (which are written into the log file when you play each scene).


Currently, the authoring tools save your changes whenever you switch between different tools (layout, script editor, player, menu pages).

Project Structure Overview

If you want to know how the game works with the server - where the art assets are - etc, here's a rough little primer.

Migrating your projects between different versions of StudyCrafter

(This is only for the offline versions of StudyCrafter, not the online version)

Each time you download a version of StudyCrafter tools, you'll need to load your projects into it manually. Your project scripts are stored in a folder that you can access - and requires a simple copy (from the old version) and paste (into the new version).

On PC: StudyCrafter_Data > StreamingAssets > NewProjectSystem

On Mac: Right click the, and select “show package contents” > Contents > Resources > Data > StreamingAssets > NewProjectSystem

You can either copy the whole NewProjectSystem folder, or individual projects within it. Paste them into the new tools (while the tools aren't running). Then, when you load the tools up, your project(s) will be right there for you!

Dealing with missing images in old projects

Between standalone versions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6, the image filenames were all changed, so that old projects won't work if migrated as listed above.

For any project that is from a 2.3.5 or lower version, and being placed in a newer version of the tools, place the project into StreamingAssets > ImageTranslator – instead of placing it into NewProjectSystem. Any projects in the ImageTranslator folder will get converted upon launching the editor - and will get automatically moved into the NewProjectSystem folder after the conversion… at which point all the image names will be changed to the correct, new names.



Projects from students in Casper's class 2017.